Sensitive Skin, How to Exfoliate It

Sensitive Skin, How to Exfoliate It

Sensitive skin can be frustrating, especially when you’re excited to try out the latest skin-care fad. Those with sensitive faces understand that even the slightest change in your routine can set your skin off. It is always important to read the whole ingredient list (and consult with a medical professional if necessary) before applying any new products. Not doing so can result in a painful reaction and/or further irritation.
A challenge for those with sensitive skin is finding an appropriate amount of exfoliation while avoiding irritation. Even those with delicate skin should be exfoliating once a week. Fortunately, there are a variety of exfoliation methods that are varyingly intense and can be done either at home or by an aesthetician.

Chemical Exfoliants:

A chemical exfoliant is the application of an acid to the skin, which helps dissolve connections between skin cells so that dead skin can be shed. Chemical peels are highly effective, but some users may be irritated by certain ingredients. Start with a small amount, and over time you find out how much your skin can tolerate. Always remember to apply sunscreen after using an exfoliant, as your skin will be more sun-sensitive.

Physical Exfoliants:

Physical exfoliants are abrasive, meaning that they physically scrape the layer of dead skin from the surface. One advantage of physical exfoliants is that the user has more control over the intensity of the exfoliant when compared to chemical alternatives. If your skin becomes irritated, you can use less product and less pressure, or exfoliate less frequently. It's important to be gentle when introducing a new exfoliant into your skin care regime! As with chemical exfoliants, start with a small amount and work up to whatever amount is most effective. 

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